Strategic Planning (STP)

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Created by experts, Soulera Academy’s library for the first stage covers 7 courses in social science. Always free for learners. Language of teaching (English + Arabic)

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Course 7- Strategic Planning (STP)

To provide the latest skills and concepts needed to effectively formulate and efficiently implement a strategic plan which lead to sustainable competitive advantage for any type of business

By: Dr. Osama Isaac — Founder

World-Class Education to All

Osama’s life mission is bringing back the soul, passion, and curiosity to education, with the dream to provide free, innovative and world-class education for anyone, anywhere with the focus in the Arab world. He is currently an associate professor at Faculty of Business, Lincoln University College (LUC), and founder of Soulera Academy.


Course STP Objective

At the end of this Course, you should be able to:
– Define the nature and purposes of strategic planning and explain why it’s important.
– Illustrate the comprehensive strategic-management model (3 Stages, 11 Steps, & 33 Points)
– Explain what managers do during the 11 steps of the strategic management process.
– Discuss the three stages of strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation activities.
– Understand the different type of strategies and how to select the suitable one.
– Compare and contrast the Red Ocean Strategy and Blue Ocean Strategy.
– Know how to set goals personally and create a useful, functional to-do list.
– Develop your skill at helping your employees set goals.
– Know how to identify your own personal strengths and weaknesses and deal with them.
– Develop your skill at scanning the environment so you can anticipate and interpret changes taking place.
– Describe the nature and role of an internal assessment in formulating strategies.
– Understand how to develop a plan for your organization through SWOT, Scenario Planning, and Pfeiffer Model (Applied Strategic Planning Model).
– Know how to be change ready by overcoming your resistance to change.
– Explain how organizational and employee performance are measured (strategy-evaluation process, criteria, and methods used).

Course STP Description

 Course 7 (STP) contain 16 Sessions as follow:

Session 1: Strategic Planning - Introduction

Session 2: Strategic Planning - Frameworks

Session 3: Strategic Planning Model - 3 Stages, 11 Steps, & 33 Points

Session 4: Strategic Planning - External Assessment

Session 5: Strategic Planning - Internal Assessment

Session 6: Strategy Formulation - SWOT Model

Session 7: Strategy Formulation - Scenario Model

Session 8: Strategy Formulation - Pfeiffer Model

Session 9: Strategic Planning - Values, Vision, Mission, & Long-Term Goals

Session 10: Strategic Planning - Key Performance Indicators (KPI`s)

Session 11: Types of Strategies

Session 12: Blue Ocean Strategy vs. Red Ocean Strategy

Session 13: Strategy Implementation

Session 14: Strategy Evaluation

Session 15: The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning

Session 16: Strategy Planning in the Age of IR 4.0

recommended talks

How to build a business that lasts 100 years

Martin Reeves, 2016, TED Paris

If you want to build a business that lasts, there may be no better place to look for inspiration than your own immune system. Join strategist Martin Reeves as he shares startling statistics about shrinking corporate life spans and explains how executives can apply six principles from living organisms to build resilient businesses that flourish in the face of change.


Your strategy needs a strategy

Martin Reeves, 2014, TED Berlin

Is it possible to look ahead without stumbling over what’s in front of you? All too often companies spend precious time laying out long term strategic plans, only to discover that their maps are out of date in a month. Business strategy expert Martin Reeves offers a solution. He advocates transitioning from relying on a single “classical” approach to strategy and moving towards a more tailored approach to strategy and execution, selecting from 5 distinct patterns of success.

Strategy: creating and sustaining competitive advantage

Michael Porter, 2017, arthsastra
Institute for Competitiveness, India is the Indian knot in the global network of the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard Business School. Institute for Competitiveness, India is an international initiative centred in India, dedicated to enlarging and purposeful disseminating of the body of research and knowledge on competition and strategy, as pioneered over the last 25 years by Professor Michael Porter of the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard Business School. Institute for Competitiveness, India conducts and supports indigenous research, offers academic and executive courses, and provides advisory services to the Corporate and the Governments. The institute studies competition and its implications for company strategy; the competitiveness of nations, regions & cities and thus generate guidelines for businesses and those in governance; and suggests and provides solutions for socio-economic problems.

Blue Ocean Strategy, Create New Markets and Leave the Competition Behind

Renée Mauborgne, 2016, WOBI
Revealing the idea of blue ocean strategy, Renée Mauborgne shares the secret for how to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant.

Good Strategy/Bad Strategy: the difference and why it matters

Richard Rumelt, 2011, LSE Events
Developing and implementing a strategy is the central task of any leader. Richard Rumelt shows that there has been a growing and unfortunate tendency to equate motherhood and apple-pie values and fluffy packages of buzzwords with “strategy.”

The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy

Michael E. Porter, 2008, Harvard Business Review
An Interview with Michael E. Porter, Professor, Harvard University. Porter’s five competitive forces is the basis for much of modern business strategy. Understand the framework and how to put it into practice.

Institutions vs. collaboration

Clay Shirky, 2005, TEDGlobal
In this prescient 2005 talk, Clay Shirky shows how closed groups and companies will give way to looser networks where small contributors have big roles and fluid cooperation replaces rigid planning.

The new power of collaboration

Howard Rheingold, 2005, TED
Howard Rheingold talks about the coming world of collaboration, participatory media and collective action — and how Wikipedia is really an outgrowth of our natural human instinct to work as a group.

The case for letting business solve social problems

Michael Porter, 2013, TEDGlobal
Why do we turn to nonprofits, NGOs and governments to solve society’s biggest problems? Michael Porter admits he’s biased, as a business school professor, but he wants you to hear his case for letting business try to solve massive problems like climate change and access to water. Why? Because when business solves a problem, it makes a profit — which lets that solution grow.

What's the right thing to do?

Michael Sandel, 2005
Is torture ever justified? Would you steal a drug that your child needs to survive? Is it sometimes wrong to tell the truth? How much is one human life worth? In the “Justice” program that bears his name, Harvard professor Michael Sandel probes these questions — and asks what you think, and why.

Aligning Strategy & Project Management

Michael Porter, 2015, Stern Speakers
Harvard Professor Michael Porter discusses how to align strategy and project management within an organization.

Recommended Scholars & Intellectual Thinkers

– Michael Porter
– Peter Drucker
– Henry Mintzberg
– Richard Rumelt
– Warren Buffett
– Fred David
– Richard Daft
– Arthur Thompson
– Michael Hitt
– W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne
– Gary Hamel & C. K. Prahalad
– Adam Brandenburger & Barry Nalebuff
– James Moore

1 thought on “STP”

  1. when you reach the point where you can relate much and much of things you took in this course with real actual life ! you will be shocked ..
    i want to highly thank the people in charge for such a course ..
    strategic planning turned to be an ocean full of surprises after all 🙂
    loved it

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