Bringing Back the Soul to Education

Free, Innovative & World-Class Education for anyone, anywhere with the Focus on the Arab world

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Season 1: Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0)

IR 4.0 = Big Data (BD) + Internet of Things (IoT) + Artificial Intelligence (AI) + Virtual Reality (VR)

Part 1: Life Eye

Part2: IR4.0

Part3: Life4.0

Enjoy your Knowledge Journey with Soulera

Founder of Soulera Academy Osama Isaac nominated as:

Person of the year, Netherlands

Osama Isaac helps the refugees with the Dutch language and culture

Osama Isaac (Torchbearer) ignites the flame of freedom in Haarlem, Netherlands

(Bevrijdingsdag – Liberation Day, 2023)

What does freedom mean to Osama Isaac?

Osama Isaac with Jeroen Pauw in Netherlands TV

from 26:30 to 29:10

Osama Isaac gives integration lessons to the refugees in Netherlands

Osama Isaac: Difference maker of Haarlem (Verschilmaker Haarlem)

Osama Isaac made his own teaching material for the refugees

Osama Isaac in HENRY+

Osama Isaac in Haarlem, he himself made an integration course

Language lessons for refugees in Haarlem's Beijneshal

The children in the Beijneshal do not yet receive formal education.

Professor Osama Isaac is developing a Dutch teaching program for the refugees

Dutch lessons for refugees made by a man who fled his homeland himself

In Haarlem, Osama Isaac teach the refugees with his own method

“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family”